Comprehensive Rewards solutions

It is imperative to ensure that your people programmes, practices and processes are
competitive, functional and fit well with your business strategy. We partner with you in providing a comprehensive
range of people and organisation solutions to attract, retain and motivate high calibre, fit for purpose
individuals who will collectively contribute towards the achievement of organisational success.

We can generate on appointment offers for all categories of employees including scarce skills and executives.

For attraction of scarce skills we will assist in the determination of attraction incentives.

We can assist you in generating all your standard contracts of employment. This service includes a review of your existing contracts of employment.

For existing contracts of employment, we will review alignment with best practice, your remuneration policy and legislative compliance

We will compile from your existing documentation a comprehensive soft or hard-copy information pack which will provide new employees with a complete overview of the organisation from strategy and organisational values to a full statement of the employment value proposition.

We will provide you with a full cost to company conversion project management service commencing with initial investigation, a position paper on converting which covers the various options and cost analysis together with a comprehensive advisory service on communication and implementation

We will facilitate one on one and group briefings and provide an electronic tool for employee structuring of individual packages.

We will design and implement a fit for purpose performance management system, contextualised for your organisation, which addresses your specific needs and link the outcome of individual assessment and organisational performance to your reward program.

Request for mandates

We will prepare research documentation and a mandate request for submission to the remuneration committee of your board. This will include a well researched paper providing a clear and comprehensive backdrop against which the the committee can make an informed decision.

Supporting information – CPI, moves, etc.

This information will include historical and forecast CPI which includes a breakdown of CPI for various income brackets of employee, the previous year and ensuing year industry adjustments, a breakdown of wage settlements and the economic outlook for the ensuing year with key indicators and forecasts.

Performance distributions curves linked to the metric increases

We will provide you with a breakdown of proposed percentage increases against individual performance scores, taking account of internal equity realities. This will include a moderation exercise on the outcome of individual performance and account for business performance and affordability.

Communication documentation for annual increases

We will provide a full annual salary adjustment project rollout plan together with the related group and individual communication documentation, including individual salary increase letters and package structuring toolkits where applicable.

We can provide market research data and conduct a comparative analysis to ensure that your remuneration levels and employment offering is market-competitive. This includes recommendations for adjustment taking account of the market position and internal equity.

We specialise in the benchmarking of executives and non executive director remuneration with particular focus on incentive reward for executives.

We will conduct a customised market benchmarking and surveys, employee sentiment surveys and any other human capital related survey which you may require in terms of your human capital and reward initiatives.

This will include the identification of an appropriate peer group/target group, the compilation of the survey questionnaire, the analysis and final report with recommendations.

We will analyse your internal levels of remuneration against your comparator market and design, per grade, per job family a set of market related pay scales to inform guaranteed pay adjustment decisions

We can also provide your in-house reward team to with the necessary training inputs on the basic principles of pay scale design which includes various methods of ensuring individual movement through the pay scales over time.

STI, LTI, production bonus, sales commission, retention, sign-on bonus

We can provide you with a wide range of customised, organisation specific, information dashboards that will enable you to access and manipulate all types of individual employee and collective data specific to the employment relationship.

The information dashboards can cover, typically:
 – Wage negotiation tools
 – Human Capital demographics and headcount movement
 – Employment Equity reporting
 – Payroll guaranteed remuneration and benefit reporting

We can provide you with a comprehensive review of your payroll processes, controls and statutory and legal compliance.

We can assist you in compiling your executive committee, remuneration committee and board notes as it relates to the reward function within your organisation.

We will ensure that your board and committee notes are well researched, clearly and succinctly states the intended message and are written with the highest standard of grammar and language use.

Executives and NEDs

Short information sessions on typical and best local and global practice.

Remuneration committee members

Key governance and oversight principles.

Reward practitioners

Basic remuneration management principles and practices.

Middle and senior line management

Quick and simple training sessions on key reward aspects.

Reward Partners calculators and toolkits
Reward Intelligence
Reward Governance