Reward governance
Reward governance

Ensure that your Remuneration Committee is enabled to make informed decisions within the ambit of
applicable governance frameworks. We partner with you in providing your Executive Committee and
Remuneration Committee members with knowledge and expertise in all areas of reward governance
to ensure effective oversight, fair and ethical practices in your organisation.

A clear statement of your approach to reward needs to be communicated and understood by your internal and external stakeholders including shareholders. We can assist you in formulating your reward philosophy, strategy and policy to align with your strategic objectives and provide clear guidelines when deciding on reward initiatives.

We can review and critically analyse your current policies, practices and processes against best practice, good governance principles and compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements. A detailed risk analysis and recommended remedial interventions will be provided.

We can review those areas of executive total reward that normally attracts negative scrutiny from shareholders, stakeholders and regulatory authorities and identify areas of possible contention and non compliance, with remedial recommendations.

We provide committees with a full spectrum of technical and advisory support in line with the annual work plan and terms of reference to enable members to make responsible and informed decisions.

Drafting and review in line with best practice and King IV

Comprehensive Reward solution
Reward Partners calculators and toolkits
Reward Intelligence